A traditional doula is a professional birth assistant, someone to "mother the mother" and her partner through birth. A doula can not and will not give medical advice, but they will educate you on your choices and support the choices you and your birth partner make.
A HYPNO-DOULA does the same thing, but is well-versed in the philosophy, techniques, cue words and other materials in your Hypnobabies program. A hypno-doula knows a Hypno-mom will require more “inner focusing” as she births.
Hypnobabies is a very successful 6 week complete childbirth education course that employs the use of medical-grade hypnosis rather than using simple relaxation, breathing or guided imagery. This allows our Hypno-Moms to enjoy “eyes-open childbirth hypnosis”, easily remaining deeply in hypnosis while walking, talking and changing positions. Hypnobabies is well-known for helping women to create much shorter, easier and more comfortable labors, making childbirth the joyful experience it was meant to be.
Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis Classes
Hypno-Doula Packages
Fertility Doula Support
Prenatal Doula Support
Birth Plan Sessions
General Childbirth Education
Proudly serving McMinnville,
Murfreesboro, Smyrna, Woodbury, Cookeville, and surrounding cities!