Meet the owner of Gentle Voice...
Amanda Johnson, HCHI, HCHD, BAICD
My name is Amanda Johnson, and I am a Hypno-Mom to three little boys living in Readyville, TN. In 2012, while I was pregnant with our first son, I found a childbirth education course called Hypnobabies. At the end of 6 weeks, I was amazed at the amount of knowledge I had acquired, the medical grade hypnoanesthesia techniques I had learned, and the way my husband and I both felt supported, calm, and confident about the upcoming birth. As a result, all of my natural, unmedicated births were extremely comfortable and joyous. I knew I wanted to share my experience with other mothers. I had to let them know just how amazing and empowering birth can be with the right kind of support.
In 2016, I completed my training and certification as a Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis Instructor and Hypno-Doula. I have a trained background in childbirth education and hypnosis. With these qualifications behind me, I hope to bring knowledge and support to the women in my area of middle Tennessee - Readyville, Murfreesboro, Woodbury, McMinnville, and further - in conception, pregnancy, birth, and beyond.
In our society, birth is a hidden wonder. Childbirth education classes and doulas help women see all the aspects of birth and pregnancy, bringing into the light those things that are not discussed very often. In many cases, girls grow up hearing only the scarier stories of birth and pregnancy. The lucky ones grow up hearing about the wonder of the female body. How we create life within us, and then birth that life into the world. How our bodies are created specifically and perfectly for this pleasure. That one day, if they choose, they will birth their own healthy babies with ease and joy.
I want to make sure we are all the lucky ones.
Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis Instructor Training
Hypnobabies Hypno-Doula Training
Birth Arts International Birth Doula Training
Spinning Babies Training
Peanut Ball Training
Resolving Shoulder Dystocia Training
The Midwifery Institute Fertility Doula Training