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Do You Utilize Chiropractic Care?

Today’s post is actually a guest spotlight from Dr. Marilyn at Milestone Chiropractic in Murfreesboro, TN. October is National Chiropractic Health Month, and I could not imagine a better way to celebrate than to share about the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy, infancy, childhood… basically every stage of life. And I am so happy that Dr. Marilyn took time to write this post out for us!

My family and I have been seeing a chiropractor since 2011. We have witnessed the positive effects on our health and will continue to be staunch supporters. While I was pregnant, I went more often, and it is one of the reasons I believe I had shorter, faster births. And that first adjustment after birth… Wow! It was a huge relief to me every time. I could ramble all day. So without further ado, here is Dr. Marilyn!

Perinatal Chiropractic Care

Pregnancy is a beautiful and complex process that requires a lot of energy! Chiropractic care helps your body adapt to growing your baby, hormonal changes, & upcoming labor, delivery, and postpartum changes. Regular chiropractic adjustments also help achieve the desired birth outcomes of the mother! In fact, studies have shown pregnant mothers under chiropractic care had decreased labor times by 25% as first time moms, and 31% for consecutive labors. Chiropractic care has also decreased the need for medical intervention during birth. During pregnancy, chiropractic can assist with the following:

  • Nausea or lack of appetite

  • Pelvic discomfort

  • Round ligament or pubic pain

  • Sciatic nerve pain

  • Difficulty taking a deep breath

  • Stalling during labor

  • Fatigue & exhaustion

  • Breech position of baby

  • Boosting immunity and energy

The doctors at Milestone have both been certified in many pregnancy adjusting techniques, including Webster Certification, specific for the perinatal period.

Pediatric Chiropractic Care

From birth trauma to everyday bumps + bruises, chiropractic offers a drug free, natural solution to keep your child developing at their full potential! Here at Milestone, we assess the function of the nervous system by evaluating your child's ability to adapt to stress. This is more than just financial or work stress, as of course youngsters do not have, but displays itself as the following:

  • frequent ear, sinus, + respiratory infections

  • difficulty nursing or latching

  • colic, reflux, + GERD

  • ADHD + autism

  • asthmas + allergies

  • skin reactions

  • meltdowns + emotional struggles

  • constipation

  • bedwetting

  • trouble focusing in school

  • speech or motor delays

  • postural struggles/ torticollis

Benefits of nervous-system focused chiropractic care include reduced restriction & tension in their systems, which allows them to grow & develop easier. By restoring the communication from brain to body, immune + digestive struggles are naturally reduced!

What does a pediatric adjustment look like? This is a very common question, and most parents are worried about their little one's safety! The doctors at Milestone have trained extensively in gentle, specific techniques that are safe for little ones. With newborns and infants, the pressure of adjustments is the same as you'd use to check the ripeness of a tomato. That's all. If you’d like to read more about chiropractic for kids, click here.

What Should You Expect at the First Appointment?

During your first appointment, one of our doctors will give you a tour of the practice, then start chatting with you about your health concerns & goals. We will go over your full intake form that will be sent over to you electronically, as well as perform any physical exams if needed. We use INSIGHT Scanning technology here at Milestone. This set of 3 scans are safe for everyone, including pregnant moms & babies. They are non-invasive & help our doctors get a good look at how the nervous system is functioning, & how well you are adapting to stress in your life. These are performed on the first visit. During your second appointment, one of our doctors will sit down & go over your scans with you in full detail. They will present your recommended care plan & answer any questions you have. We want to make sure our office is a good fit for your needs & communicate the best path to results for you or your child! After going over your scans results & you accept care, you or your child will receive their first adjustment! Our doctors will walk you step-by-step through the first adjustment, & make sure you or your child's nervous system is clear & connected! If you have questions or are interested in starting care for yourself, or your child, give us a call at 615-396-8482 or click here to schedule an appointment on our website! We look forward to serving you!

Thank you again, Dr. Marilyn! I hope you have a wonderful week. Keep the suggestions coming for email topics, and let me know how I can continue to support you.


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